Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Silent Night, Holy Night
Christmas was very quiet around our house this year. Grammie B. was our only company (and you know how much of a ruckus she can raise!), since other family members were scattered around the country. No Christmas tree! That was quite a change. So, to compensate, Debra burned lots of candles and we played Christmas music. A photo of one of the candles is here, in an arrangement sent by Scott & Val.

Perhaps the highlight of the day was our going to see the movie "The Nativity Story." I can't remember ever going to the movies on Christmas Day before, but we joined the throngs that flocked to the theater complex ... one of few places open for business. The movie was a great experience, creating a realistic picture of what life was like in the time of Christ's birth. I was struck with the bleakness of the countryside, not to mention the lack of bare necessities that we all take for granted in this day and age. Being born into those surroundings was a huge sacrifice, not to mention the supreme sacrifice that Christ made for us on the Cross 33 years later!

The extreme quietness around home made me appreciate other years when we've been fortunate to have with us ... or be with other close family members.

Soon the quietness will all change, however. This weekend we head for Florida, where Megan, Marc, and Mieke; Ethan, Caroline, and ???; and Grammie F. will all converge. That will make for fun and lots of good memories. I'll try to be good! But it'll be hard to stand in line waiting to hold Mieke!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Getting to Know You ...
Mieke, they say that grandparents fall in love with their grandchildren instantly. Since I've now experienced it, I can confirm that's true. You are already so precious to me, but even more importantly, to God. And, since you are an individual born with free will I am even now praying that you will choose to follow Christ and make Him the center of all you do and say, just like your Mom & Dad have. You are born into a "fallen world," and consequently life may not be fair or easy. But, you have an incredible support base in both immediate and extended family who will nurture and care deeply for you as you grow and mature. Welcome to our world!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Come See My Stuff!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A picture is worth 1,000 words
I really enjoy Notre Dame's campus. Last weekend I got to spend about 3 hours photographing some of the many interesting landmarks around campus. If you like the following image, go here for more. Sometimes my photos speak louder than words.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

It's Time
I've been distracted by Flickr, my photo site. Seems like I get the urge to be creative on a regular basis and that's the forum where I can do it best. The photo above is from my latest set, taken last night. Funny though, that creative urge doesn't seem to have gone away. If you want to see my most recent offerings, click here.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It seems just like yesterday
that we were running around shooting off fireworks in the rain, dodging tornadoes, with Grammies sitting in the hotel corridors in their nighties, etc. in anticipation (and ultimate celebration) of this historic day. What fun!

Happy Anniversary
Ethan and Caroline.
We love you.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Just the Gnome ...
and Me!

And he doesn't talk very much, so it's awfully quiet around here. He's a terrible substitute for Debra, who's been hanging around with me for over 30 years. But, I guess the old saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" is true. Although, I'd have to say I was actually very fond of her before she left to visit with family in Maine for most of June! Forget the gnome! Debra, I'd rather hang out with you more than anyone else ... anywhere ... anytime!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Love of My Life ... and Mother of My Children
Yes, that's you! Happy Mother's Day, soon-to-be Grandma.
The kids are a testimony to the great job you have done and continue to do. Thanks for letting me "make" you a Mom (he he he).

Friday, May 12, 2006

Speaking of Birthdays ...
It seems like only yesterday that we were holding you in our arms. Now you are 134 days or so away from making history for your own family on another special birthday. We love you and continue to pray for you and Marc as you live your adventure with God. You're a great daughter and will make a super mom!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Proud of you!
Ethan, there have been moments when you weren't sure when you'd firm up an internship. But patience and persistence have paid off! I'm proud of your hard work and accomplishments so far ... and confident in your ability to "finish strong" next year. Who knows how God will lead and provide for you with future employment. Though sometimes a little nerve-wracking for us, He always has our best in mind ... at the perfect time. Stay dependent on Him.
Is it a boy or a girl???
After lots of speculation and some "kicking and squirming" by that little one, on May 8th the verdict is in. I know, but I can't tell! If you don't already know ... and want to, call Marc and Megan.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Short Expedition
Here's my favorite shot from a set of photos I took yesterday. It was in a small park with a conservatory, near our residence. Not very big, but I got a few interesting pix. Click here to see the set.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


We love our kids and their spouses! Last night we were thrilled when Marc announced on the phone that he had suggested to Megan they move to Chicago after their baby is born to establish their own family. I think Debra nearly jumped out of her skin!

But more exciting than the fact that they might be close by is that they are really seeking God's will for their future. I can't write much now ... because of time, but I want to go on record to say that I'd rather have them on the other side of the world and living with Christ as the Center of their lives than living next door and not! Marc & Megan and Ethan & Caroline, that will always be my desire and prayer for you.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Staying in Touch with Technology
In an attempt to stay "in touch" with technology trends ... and my "kids," I thought I'd give blogging a try.

I'm into digital photography so spend more time editing and composing photographic images than writing, but do enjoy keeping up with others by reading their blogs. So, I'll see if I can wax eloquent once in awhile. Actually, I like to let my photos speak for me so I'll include one here. It's the Catholic Church rectory across the street from our residence. Visit my photostream on Flickr if you want to see more.