Perhaps the highlight of the day was our going to see the movie "The Nativity Story." I can't remember ever going to the movies on Christmas Day before, but we joined the throngs that flocked to the theater complex ... one of few places open for business. The movie was a great experience, creating a realistic picture of what life was like in the time of Christ's birth. I was struck with the bleakness of the countryside, not to mention the lack of bare necessities that we all take for granted in this day and age. Being born into those surroundings was a huge sacrifice, not to mention the supreme sacrifice that Christ made for us on the Cross 33 years later!
The extreme quietness around home made me appreciate other years when we've been fortunate to have with us ... or be with other close family members.
Soon the quietness will all change, however. This weekend we head for Florida, where Megan, Marc, and Mieke; Ethan, Caroline, and ???; and Grammie F. will all converge. That will make for fun and lots of good memories. I'll try to be good! But it'll be hard to stand in line waiting to hold Mieke!